Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Basic Idea

The kitchen is going to be awesome. Either it or the laundry room will probably be the most like something out of a sci-fi movie. Here's the dream:

While I'm at work, I decide I want roast beef for dinner. During lunch, I text the kitchen "roast beef at six." The kitchen, which has been programmed with recipes (I don't understand how anyone can cook without a recipe), is fully automated, and has a little shopping bot it can send to the grocery store if it detects I'm out of anything, makes the roast beef and when I get home my dinner is ready!

Obviously, this is going to take a lot of work and will be done incrementally. My first thought here is that the kitchen needs to be very long, with the stove at one end rather than in the middle as is more typical. Then, the counter can be a conveyer belt, whereon will ride a mixing bowl which is on top of a kitchen scale. I'll drill holes in the bottom of the cupboards and the bottom of, for example, the container of flour in the cupboard. A tube can then feed flour out of the cupboard and into the bowl. There will be some control system set up to have the output end of the tube open or closed (I'm still working on the details of this). Then, the conveyer belt can carry the bowl from tube to tube and the scale will measure how much of each ingredient has been added, which the control system will use to know when to turn which tubes on.

Still a pretty rough concept, I know, but it's a starting point. I'm not much of an artist, but I'm going to try to  sketch this idea at some point. If I ever do, I'll upload the picture, and that will make things more clear (I hope!)

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